Make It Happen

Sessions on the Make It Happen track include the following accepted proposals:

Legalising Cambridge Analytica? GDPR and derogations for political parties in Romania

Jurisdiction and Article 79 of the GDPR

Barriers and solutions to adopting existing open tools – Trends from user interviews

Data Openness, Privacy and Risk: A Study of Government Agency Worker Attitudes and Behaviors

GDPR Request Processing

GDPR as an instrument: do we use it to build or to dismantle?

Can we strengthen the MyData-movement by joining forces with the SMEs?

Why the personal data game is like the dating game

Bringing myData into University courses – and what we learned about the GDPR implementation in the process

NGI_Trust; Can EC H2020 R&D funding get your Privacy idea airborne?

How to meet MyData Declaration demands by value proposition of business models: Why and how to engage in a fair and sustainable personal data economy?