Jami Haavisto

Solution Architect, Suomen Tilaajavastuu Oy

Jami Haavisto is a Solution Architect at Suomen Tilaajavastuu Oy. The main projects he is working on are: digital recruitment and lifelong learning in the finnish construction industry, and MyData Wallet solution for verified professional certificates. Both projects have a strong focus on MyData.

Haavisto has 15 years experience from the IT industry from different roles ranging from CTO to full stack developer. In his own previous company he was building a platform for lifelong learning to ease collaboration between companies and universities. In various projects he has been working with public-private collaboration and ecosystem building.

Jami has a passion for music and language learning and is not afraid of challenges or to learning new things.

Jami Haavisto can be seen in:

Anticipating Personal Data in Life Event... Hall H
14:30-15:45 Friday